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Control and Dynamic Systems Lab Post

Schedule for the coming CDC presentation

In the coming conference IEEE CDC, five papers will be presented from CDSL. The tentative schedule is announced as follows: Day Time Paper Title or…

Seungjoon Lee presented recent result at ACC 2018

At 27th June, in proceedings of American Control Conference (2018),  Seungjoon Lee presented his recent result about decentralized design of coupling gains in multi-agent systems…

Useful Research Resource

By surfing the net, I found a page that collected helpful research resources just in one page. Here’s the link: Sometimes these tools are…

제어기 암호화 연구 소개

본 연구실의 제어기 암호화 연구가 책에 소개되었습니다. Comprehensive Introduction to Fully Homomorphic Encryption for Dynamic Feedback Controller via LWE-Based Cryptosystem Junsoo Kim, Hyungbo Shim and…