Title: DO-DAT: A MATLAB Toolbox for Design & Analysis of Disturbance Observer
Presenter: Hamin Chang (joint work with Hyuntae Kim, Dr. Gyunghoon Park, and Prof. Hyungbo Shim)
From 3rd to 5th September, the 9th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND) held in Florianopolis, Brazil. In CDSL, undergraduate student intern Hamin Chang attended ROCOND and presented his recent results on a MATLAB toolbox for design & analysis of disturbance observer.
At the Seoul National University, all students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering should take a class “capstone project” (for details, see: http://post.cdsl.kr/archives/929, in Korean) for one’s own B.S. degree. Hamin Chang took capstone class at CDSL, under the guidance of Hyuntae Kim (Ph.D. candidate student in CDSL), and finished capstone class successfully. The results of Hamin Chang were enough good to submit ROCOND so that the reviewers of ROCOND decided to accept his paper.
In his talk, he briefly described about the disturbance observer(for details, see: http://post.cdsl.kr/archives/467, in Korean, and http://post.cdsl.kr/archives/69, in English) and introduced the toolbox for design & analysis of disturbance observer, “DO-DAT” [duːðæt]. It is well known that the disturbance observer with a Q-filter having a large bandwidth stabilizes the system and enables nominal performance recovery at the same time. Therefore, one can select a value of time constant, , which is small enough to get a large bandwidth of the Q-filter. However, excessively small value of
incurs a computational burden to the system. So, this “DO-DAT” enables to calculate an appropriate
Download “DO-DAT”: https://kr.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/66248-do_dat
For details: https://post.cdsl.kr/archives/1918
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