CDSL에서 심형보 교수와 서진헌 교수의 지도로 2018년에 박사 학위를 받은 박경훈 박사가 서울시립대학교 전자전기컴퓨터공학부에 조교수로 2021년 3월 1일자로 임용되었습니다. 박경훈 교수는 외란 관측기(disturbance observer)에 관한…
Our research about the Weighted Averaged Behavior of Synchronization among Heterogeneous Agents in a Sampled-data Setting will be presented. The highlight of this work is…
Mr. Melle de Vent, from the University of Groningen in Netherlands, joined CDSL in August 2018 as a visiting student, and the visit is till…
Prof. Bayu Jayawardhana in the University of Groningen visited CDSL. The University of Groningen is located in Netherlands, and is well-known for researches about control…
자동화시스템공동연구소는 매년 두 차례의 학술활동 발표회를 개최합니다. 연구소에 소속되어 있는 연구실들의 연구 활동을 장려하고, 구성원 간 친목을 다지는 목적으로 개최되는 본 행사에서 CDSL은 두 건의…
Title: DO-DAT: A MATLAB Toolbox for Design & Analysis of Disturbance Observer Presenter: Hamin Chang (joint work with Hyuntae Kim, Dr. Gyunghoon Park, and…
Title: A Posteriori Detection of Moment of Attack on Cyber-physical Systems: A Back-and-forth Observer Approach Presenter: Jiyeon Nam (joint work with Dr. Gyunghoon Park, Taekyoo…
Our work is about the detection of moment of attack on cyber-physical systems. In some cases, detection time is often delayed from the moment…
Title: On Stealthiness of Zero-dynamics Attacks against Uncertain Nonlinear Systems: A Case Study with Quadruple-tank Process Presenter: Dr. Gyunghoon Park (joint work with Dr. Chanhwa…
published in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON), March 2018 Authors: Gyunghoon Park, Hyungbo Shim, and Youngjun Joo Abstract: In this paper, we consider…