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Yongjae Oh visited CDSL

Yongjae Oh, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Seoul National University, visited CDSL and gave a seminar on “Stochastic Thermodynamics:…

이산시간 특이섭동모델 및 안정성 해석

Speaker 김홍근 부교수 (한국기술교육대학교) Date|Time 6월 14일 (금), 2024|14:00-17:00 Place 133동 316-1호 Abstract 공학적 시스템들 중에서 천천히 변하는 동역학과 느리게 변하는 동역학을 동시에 내포하고 있는…

Dr. Jinrae Kim visited CDSL

Dr. Jinrae Kim visited CDSL and gave a seminar on “Universal convex approximation for learning objective function in amortized optimization”. He received his Ph.D. degree…