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Prof. Toru Namerikawa visited CDSL

Professor Toru Namerikawa of the Faculty of Department of System Design Engineering at Keio University, Yokohama, Japan, visited CDSL. He delivered a seminar under the title of ‘Distributed Dynamic Pricing in Electricity Market with Information Privacy’. Prof. Namerikawa’s research focuses on robust control, distributed and cooperative control, and their application to power network and transportation network systems.

In this seminar, he presented his research about efficient power management method that integrates Day-ahead market (DAM) and Real-time market (RTM) trading with power flow in power grid, utilizing the approach of dynamic pricing in multi-period electricity market. After advocating the need for the research, he formulated the problem by mathematically modeling the consumer, the generator, and the power grid in the electricity market. Then, he introduced his method of managing power flow in DAM via solving the optimization problem which maximizes social welfare based on ADMM approach. Lastly, he proposed a power adjustment for RTM that exploits negawatt trading, and supported the effectiveness of the proposed method with convincing simulation result.

Since he was interested in one of the CDSL’s research topics, homomorphic encryption of dynamic controller, Joowon Lee introduced her/CDSL’s recent research results on this direction. Furthermore, since CDSL is researching on distributed optimization for large-scale vehicle-to-grid (V2G) operation, Seungbeom Lee and Jinwook Heo presented their research on scheduling problem of V2G, and had time for discussion with Prof. Namerikawa.

We thank Prof. Namerikawa for his helpful seminar and discussion. We hope for our collaboration in the near future.