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Prof. Bayu Jayawardhana visited CDSL

Prof. Bayu Jayawardhana in the University of Groningen visited CDSL. The University of Groningen is located in Netherlands, and is well-known for researches about control theory.

CDSL required the seminar from prof. Jayawardhana so that he talked about “stabilization with guaranteed safety of nonlinear systems”. In his talk, he introduced Control Lyapunov Barrier Function(CLBF) which is the combination of Control Lyapunov Function(CLF) and Control Barrier Function(CBF). For a certain reason in the design procedure, there are some unsafe region to avoid. CLF stabilizes the whole system and CBF makes a barrier to avoid unsafe regions. Through the appropriate sum of CLF and CBF, CLBF makes designing a universal controller possible without violating the safety standards. The above control method was inspired from the Sontag’s universal control law. Also, he talked about the robustness of the safety certification. For a bounded disturbance(the bound is known), the controller was designed by using CLBF.

After his talk, many audiences asked questions. Dr. Gyunghoon Park was curious about the case of the parametric uncertainty. In case of the works of prof. Jayawardhana and his colleague, they dealt with an input disturbance only. So, it is natural to come up with the question, “what if the disturbance depends on the states is injected to the system?”. And, Jin Gyu Lee asked about the degree of the unsafety. The audiences had many questions, but due to the time limit, his talk ended.

At 3rd November, the bicycle trip with prof. Jayawardhana is set. Anyone in CDSL who wants to participate in, join this trip.

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