IEEE CSS (Control System Society) announced this video on YouTube, which is very (or, too?) elementary introduction to Control (or, Automation in other words). Please…
CDSL members presented five papers in 57th proceedings of Conference on Decision and Control, which was held in December 17-19, 2018, at Miami Beach, Florida, USA.…
From Nov. 5 to Nov. 25, Hyuntae Kim and Junsoo Kim visited the University of Electro-Communications(UEC) in Japan to meet professor Kiminao Kogiso. One of research topics…
Mr. Melle de Vent, from the University of Groningen in Netherlands, joined CDSL in August 2018 as a visiting student, and the visit is till…
Prof. Bayu Jayawardhana in the University of Groningen visited CDSL. The University of Groningen is located in Netherlands, and is well-known for researches about control…
At 17th Oct., in International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2018) held in Pyeongchang, Korea, Seungjoon Lee presented his preliminary result of distributed…
자동화시스템공동연구소는 매년 두 차례의 학술활동 발표회를 개최합니다. 연구소에 소속되어 있는 연구실들의 연구 활동을 장려하고, 구성원 간 친목을 다지는 목적으로 개최되는 본 행사에서 CDSL은 두 건의…
In the coming conference IEEE CDC, five papers will be presented from CDSL. The tentative schedule is announced as follows: Day Time Paper Title or…
Title: DO-DAT: A MATLAB Toolbox for Design & Analysis of Disturbance Observer Presenter: Hamin Chang (joint work with Hyuntae Kim, Dr. Gyunghoon Park, and…
Title: A Posteriori Detection of Moment of Attack on Cyber-physical Systems: A Back-and-forth Observer Approach Presenter: Jiyeon Nam (joint work with Dr. Gyunghoon Park, Taekyoo…