본 글은 http://post.cdsl.kr/archives/3672의 한글판이라고 볼 수도 있습니다. 다개체 시스템(Multi-Agent Systems, MAS)이란? 단순히 시스템의 개체수를 늘리는 것은 우리가 다루는 문제들의 복잡성을 높히지 않는데, 이는 전체 시스템이…
Control and Dynamic Systems Lab Post
Hyeonjun Yun received the SICE Annual Conference International Award in Sept. 22, 2017 at Kanazawa, Japan. He presented his paper entitled “Consensus-Based Distributed Coordination for Optimal…
This article can be considered as an English version of http://post.cdsl.kr/archives/467. The works done by CDSL have been summarized in the book: Disturbance Observers H. Shim…
우리 CDSL은 <4차 산업혁명과 수학>이라는 주제로, 국가대표 연구관리전문기관인 한국연구재단의 전략과제그룹으로 선정되었습니다. 2017년 9월부터 총 15억원, 즉 연간 3억원의 연구비를 5년 동안 지원받게 됩니다. 본 과제를…
Prof. Andrew Teel (UCSB, the Editor-in-Chief of Automatica) visited CDSL for May 3~9, 2017. During his visit, he gave a seminar on hybrid and stochastic…
Hyuntae Kim won the scholarship for Next Generation of Researchers in Basic Fields, which is given by Seoul National University. This scholarship is for supporting a…
Department of ECE, SNU, awarded Gyunghoon Park the Excellent Joint Research Award on January 12, 2017. This award goes to the student who performed meaningful…
International collaboration is a thrust to develop new ideas. CDSL is continuously hosting foreign visitors, and here’s a list of visitors. Short-term visitors and seminar…
Lab members presented six papers at the flagship conference of Control Systems Society of IEEE, the 55th Conference on Decision and Control, which was held on December 12~14,…
published in IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Oct. 2016, by Jaeyong Kim, Jongwook Yang, Hyungbo Shim, Jung-Su Kim, Jin Heon Seo