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Overview of Disturbance Observation Techniques for Linear and Nonlinear Systems by Prof. Juhoon Back


백주훈 (Associate prof, 광운대학교 로봇학부)

Time & Location

May. 20 (Fri) 11:00 AM / Building 133 Room 316-1


In practical control systems, it is inevitable to have plant uncertainties and external disturbances, which are major sources to make the robust control problem challenging. Not surprisingly, many researchers have developed various techniques to efficiently cope with the disturbance and plant uncertainties. One of these ideas is to construct an observer or estimator, called disturbance observer, which estimates the disturbance and the effect of uncertainties, and then use this estimate to achieve the control goal. In this talk, several disturbance observers are introduced with simple examples to capture the key idea. The disturbance observers to be covered are as follows. 1) The disturbance observers by Johnson and Chen: design an observer as if the disturbance is known and realize it without using the disturbance. 2) The disturbance observer by Ohnishi and its extensions which use inverse of nominal model. 3) The extended state observer based disturbance observer by Han and similar approaches. 4) Disturbance observers based on sliding mode or variable structure.


[Education] 서울대학교 전기공학부 공학 박사 (2004)
서울대학교 기계설계학과 공학 석사 (1999)
서울대학교 기계설계학과 공학사 (1997)

[Work Experience] 광운대학교 로봇학부 부교수 (2008.09.01. ~ )
고려대학교 기계공학과BK21 기계사업단 연구교수 (2007.08.01. – 2008.08.31)
서울대학교 BK21 차세대기계항공시스템 창의설계인력양성사업단 박사후 연구원 (2006.10.16. – 2007.07.31)
Imperial College, London, UK Research Associate (2005.05.09. – 2006.09.26)
서울대학교 자동화시스템공동연구소 박사 후 연구원 (2004.03.06. – 2005.05.03)


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