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CDSL Annual Workshop 2019 held at Pyeongchang

Workshop sessions: (left up) plenary session by Prof. Shim / (right up) tutorial session by Seungjoon Lee
/ (left down, right down) poster sessions by Donggil Lee and Jeong Woo Kim

Continuing the CDSL’s workshop held in every winter, the annual workshop was held in 28-29, January, at SNU in Pyeongchang. Several changes were found compared with the last year’s, one of which was that all members of CDSL contributed their new results or conjectures to one or more sessions! The schedule of the workshop was as follows.

The workshop was told very successful in that every session and talk was followed by heated discussions, and was very effective to share and improve their ideas. Due to the confidentiality of some results, the details of presentation materials are not uploaded in this article, but possibly available by email-contact to the contributors.

A related article about the plenary session by Prof. Shim is found in the following link:

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